Welcome to the 2025 GIS/Valuation Technologies Conference, taking place in Columbus, Ohio, March 3-6, 2025! This is where you review the comprehensive educational program for the conference and plan your agenda.

The Geospatial Professional Network (formerly URISA) and the International Association of Assessing Officers are once again pleased to co-host this important event. Attendees earn ample IAAO CE credits and GISP Education points.

Go here to access the Uniform Request for Recertification.

More education! Attendees requested more workshops - the opportunity to dive deeper into important topics. So we have included four half-day workshops to the conference on Thursday afternoon. Be sure to check them out and plan accordingly!

Go to this page to register for the conference and make travel plans and review sponsor and exhibit packages. Take note of early bird discounts through January 6!
Monday March 3, 2025 8:00am - 5:00pm EST
Using ArcGIS Dashboards and Experience Builder to Build Responsive and Powerful Dashboards (Full-Day) Workshop
Monday, March 3, 2025 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Lauren Voelker, Senior Solution Engineer, Esri, St. Louis, MO
Daniel Fasteen, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Tyler Technologies

Experience the power of building amazing dashboards to visualize your data! Intuitive data visualization tools such as web applications and dashboards are essential for the understanding of geospatial phenomena for both Assessors and taxpayers alike. These tools provide an easy-to-use way to derive quick and meaningful insights into community trends such as sales, neighborhoods, or other assessor related data. The value added through the creation of data visualizations and web applications can help assessment offices streamline workflows, provide taxpayers and assessors with the most up-to-date data, and allow for a meaningful understanding of the local community and neighborhoods.

This workshop will walk participants through the creation of several Assessor dashboards with emphasis on sales analysis and incorporate them into a single responsive application. The goal is to present a mass amount of data which can be overwhelming at times, in a simple and effective way. Displaying multiple data visualizations on a single screen supports dynamic data exploration and informed decision-making. The workshop is geared toward the professional who would like to understand the applicability of GIS technology as it relates to the Assessor’s office function. This workshop will provide attendees an in-depth and hands-on introduction to WebGIS using ArcGIS Online.

This workshop will be interactive, and participants will be using several ArcGIS Online application builders to create an interactive and responsive application. Each section will introduce the topic and include a hands-on portion. The exercises will build upon each other throughout the day.

Hands-on workshop: Workshop participants will use their own computer/laptops for the exercises, using calculation tools provided by the workshop. 
avatar for Lauren Voelker

Lauren Voelker

Senior Solution Engineer, Esri
Lauren Voelker is a Senior Solution Engineer on Esri's Land Records and Local Government teams. She works with city and county governments throughout the US to help them develop and deploy GIS solutions. Prior, she worked in county government supporting a wide array of industries... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Fasteen, PhD

Daniel Fasteen, PhD

Senior Research Scientist, Tyler Technologies
Daniel Fasteen, Ph.D. is a Senior Research Scientist with Tyler Technologies.  Since 2010, Daniel has worked various roles in both the private and local government sector as a CAMA manager, product manager, research scientist, and consultant focusing on GIS application, property... Read More →
Monday March 3, 2025 8:00am - 5:00pm EST
Roman Johnson – 3rd Floor
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