Welcome to the 2025 GIS/Valuation Technologies Conference, taking place in Columbus, Ohio, March 3-6, 2025! This is where you review the comprehensive educational program for the conference and plan your agenda.

The Geospatial Professional Network (formerly URISA) and the International Association of Assessing Officers are once again pleased to co-host this important event. Attendees earn ample IAAO CE credits and GISP Education points.

More education! Attendees requested more workshops - the opportunity to dive deeper into important topics. So we have included four half-day workshops to the conference on Thursday afternoon. Be sure to check them out and plan accordingly!

Go to this page to register for the conference and make travel plans and review sponsor and exhibit packages. Take note of early bird discounts through January 6!
Tuesday March 4, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
This session explores the key variables that drive successful commercial sales and income models. It compares sales and income models, examining when each is most appropriate, and highlights the benefits of AI in model formats. The session also offers insights into integrating these models with CAMA systems and addresses challenges in valuing mixed-use buildings by applying location and use-specific rates.

  • Commercial Sales and Income Models
    Robert Gloudemans, FIAAO, Mass Appraisal Consultant, AZ
  • Valuation of Multi-Purpose Buildings
    Kevin Keene, Owner/Operator, Keene Mass Appraisal Consulting, Philadelphia, PA
avatar for Megan Lukens

Megan Lukens

Assessment Business Systems Manager, City of Madison
I fell into the assessing world with Tyler Technologies back in 2002. I have had opportunities to work at the jurisdictional level, the county level, and for an oversight agency at the state level. I currently work for the City of Madison, WI as the Assessment Business Systems Manager... Read More →
avatar for Robert Gloudemans, FIAAO

Robert Gloudemans, FIAAO

Mass Appraisal Consultant
Bob is a Mass Appraisal Consultant and longtime partner in the partnership. Almy, Gloudemans, Jacobs & Denne. Previously he worked for IAAO and the AZ Dept of Revenue.Bob provides consulting services in mass appraisal and ratio studies and has assisted over 100 clients in the U.S... Read More →
avatar for Kevin Keene

Kevin Keene

Owner/Operator, Keene Mass Appraisal Consulting
Kevin Keene served the City of Philadelphia for over 30 years as a Real Property Evaluator; Mass Appraisal Analyst; Real Property Supervisor; GIS Manager; Modeling Director and Director of Mass Appraisal and Analysis. He personally designed and directed over sixteen major revaluation... Read More →
Tuesday March 4, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Pheoris West B– 3rd Floor

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