GISValTech2025 has ended
Welcome to the 2025 GIS/Valuation Technologies Conference, taking place in Columbus, Ohio, March 3-6, 2025! This is where you review the comprehensive educational program for the conference and plan your agenda.

The Geospatial Professional Network (formerly URISA) and the International Association of Assessing Officers are once again pleased to co-host this important event. Attendees earn ample IAAO CE credits and GISP Education points.

Go here to access the Uniform Request for Recertification.

More education! Attendees requested more workshops - the opportunity to dive deeper into important topics. So we have included four half-day workshops to the conference on Thursday afternoon. Be sure to check them out and plan accordingly!

Go to this page to register for the conference and make travel plans and review sponsor and exhibit packages. Take note of early bird discounts through January 6!
Tuesday March 4, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
In today's fast-paced world, staying ahead requires access to precise, up-to-date information. Nearmap is revolutionizing industries with high-resolution, frequently updated aerial imagery and cutting-edge GeoAI technologies. Join us to see how these tools empower businesses and organizations to make smarter, data-driven decisions.

Discover how regularly refreshed imagery provides an unparalleled view of urban landscapes, enabling better planning, development, and monitoring. Learn how GeoAI transforms imagery into actionable insights, from identifying changes in infrastructure to automating asset management and risk assessment. This session will feature real-world use cases showcasing how to optimize workflows, reduce costs, and improve outcomes.

Key Takeaways:
  1. Understand the value of frequently updated imagery for dynamic environments.
  2. Explore GeoAI’s role in automating workflows and delivering actionable insights.
  3. See practical applications across industries with tangible results.
avatar for Jake Tully

Jake Tully

Senior Account Executive, Nearmap
Jake Tully is an accomplished GIS and aerial imagery professional with extensive experience in helping organizations leverage geospatial technologies for improved decision-making and operational success. With a unique blend of technical expertise and client-centered service, Jake... Read More →
avatar for Steven Santovasi, GISP

Steven Santovasi, GISP

Director of Product, Nearmap
Steven P. Santovasi, GISP, CPM, CPMM is the Director of Product for Nearmap with a focus on the complete lifecycle of Product Development and Geospatial Solutions, expanding the value and awareness of 3D web mapping, imagery and photogrammetry integration, and AI feature extraction... Read More →
Tuesday March 4, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
Charles Massey – 3rd Floor
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