Welcome to the 2025 GIS/Valuation Technologies Conference, taking place in Columbus, Ohio, March 3-6, 2025! This is where you review the comprehensive educational program for the conference and plan your agenda.

The Geospatial Professional Network (formerly URISA) and the International Association of Assessing Officers are once again pleased to co-host this important event. Attendees earn ample IAAO CE credits and GISP Education points.

More education! Attendees requested more workshops - the opportunity to dive deeper into important topics. So we have included four half-day workshops to the conference on Thursday afternoon. Be sure to check them out and plan accordingly!

Go to this page to register for the conference and make travel plans and review sponsor and exhibit packages. Take note of early bird discounts through January 6!
Thursday March 6, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm EST
How to Be a Good Leader AND a Good Manager (Afternoon Half-Day) Workshop
Thursday, March 6, 2025 – 1:00 – 5:00 PM
Shaun Christofferson, AAS, Chief Deputy Appraiser, Crook County Assessor's Office

There are some good leaders and some good managers, but few are both. Most of us have either experienced or seen questionable leadership and/or management. Colleges will learn the difference between a leader and a manager and how to be good at both. This applies to all, no matter their title.

Additionally, this session will teach the many measurable benefits of being good at both. We will go over these benefits including, but not limited to building an engaged team, lowering turnover, increasing efficiencies, level of service and production.

This will be more lecture than interactive; however, there will be 2-3 hours of interactive time for part of the last half of the day. Interactive time will be mostly during the building of practical templates to use back at the office to guide towards being a good leader and manager.
avatar for Shaun Christofferson, AAS

Shaun Christofferson, AAS

Chief Deputy Appraiser, Crook County Assessor's Office
Shaun manages the appraisal program. He has worked in an Assessor's Office (two counties) for over 27 years, in addition to his past employment as a fee appraiser & Realtor. He has been a frequent speaker at OSACA (Oregon State Association of County Assessors) conference, IAAO (International... Read More →
Thursday March 6, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Roman Johnson – 3rd Floor

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